- The DNA of family businesses: image, values and identity
- Family dynamics in family businesses
- The role of executive wives in transmission and the role of mentors
- The Next Gen: how to prepare and support it to facilitate transmission?
- How to manage the transmission of leadership?
- The legitimacy of successors
- Emotions and gender in succession
- Female entrepreneurship
- The growth of family businesses
Recognized expertise
The Chair team regularly takes part in regional, national and international events to share its expertise with companies. Whether it's a conference, workshop, radio/TV show or round table, we can intervene in a variety of formats and on a variety of subjects, the aim being to democratize the academic research conducted within the Chair.
Our areas of expertise

Our video presentations
BPI France: entrepreneurial teaching practices days
With a PhD in the social psychology of communication, Miruna Radu-Lefebvre, holder & founder of the chair, was invited on the BPI France program to contribute her expertise on the role of the media in disseminating the image of the entrepreneur and how they have contributed to the evolution of this image. Indeed, the media play a central role in the social construction of reality and the impact of the images they project for certain professions. This leads each of us, and young people in particular, to develop a form of desirability in relation to certain professions just as much as to assess the feasibility of their wish to become an entrepreneur.
BFM TV: a chair in family entrepreneurship & society unique in France
Thanks to a multi-disciplinary teaching team made up of internationally recognized professors, the chair has been developing award-winning research at international conferences for many years.
Within our research center, we welcome educator-researchers, consulting specialists and consultants alike. All are specialized in family entrepreneurship, innovation or CSR. Through our activity, they enable us to animate this unique ecosystem around research and the transmission of knowledge.
TV program: family businesses & COVID - What trends for the next world?
Family-run businesses make up an important part of the French economy. Their financial solidity makes them more resilient in the face of crises and enables them to plan for the long term, but until when? To survive and remain competitive in times such as the COVID epidemic, both family and non-family businesses need to withstand turbulence: how do they do it? What are their new challenges? What are the challenges for corporate governance over the generations? How do entrepreneurial culture and family culture coexist in times of crisis?
Xerfi Canal
Is family entrepreneurship the key to success for time-defying family businesses?
Miruna Radu-Lefebvre was the guest of Thibaut Lieurade in XERFI Canal, the web magazine on economics, strategy and management in video.
Télénantes - All Eco
Family businesses: who should hold the keys?
The Chair brings its expert view to the Tout Eco set for a program devoted to family businesses. We talk about transmission, the specificity of family management, leadership, family governance...
France 3 Pays de la Loire - These popular companies
As part of a series of reports dedicated to family businesses, Miruna Radu Lefebvre, contributed her expertise during a live interview in the newspaper.