

To further raise public awareness of family business issues, we have created two podcast series: Generation Repreneurs and Take the Lead.

Chair podcasts

Génération repreneurs podcast

Generation of buyers

In these podcasts, you'll hear testimonials from Future Family Business Leader certificate participants. What they all have in common is that they are current or future owners of multigenerational family businesses. And they all know that taking over a family business is rarely a smooth ride. That's why they have chosen to train you and share their best advice with you.

Podcast Take the lead

Take the lead

Over the course of our episodes, we'll uncover the secrets of these sometimes century-old, innovative, and even crisis-resistant companies.
Throughout the series, we'll meet with experts and leaders of fast-growing family businesses to understand the challenges they face, such as preserving jobs, transitioning to a greener future, and better serving stakeholders.