

The Chair team regularly participates in regional, national and international events to share its expertise.

Responsible Communication Conference

Table-ronde "Former et accompagner à la transition écologique"

For more socially and environmentally responsible communications and marketing

[Conference- June 15, 2023]

New Skills for Communications & Marketing Professionals

Today's communicators and marketers need to be effective in their own field, but they also need to master the major ecological issues. What skills are essential and what profiles are in demand? What training is available? How do you raise awareness, train a team in the long term, create momentum, integrate newcomers?

Florence Touzé, holder of the Audencia Positive Impact Chair and speaker alongside:

  • Léa COULOMB, Beecom Project Coordinator (Erasmus+), ESSTEAM
  • Marie DELIRY, Associate Managing Director, Lobster Communication
  • Alexandre FREDERICK, Deputy Director, IHECS Academy
  • Cécile SPEICH, Founder & CEO, Plotfox

"I Nourish the Quest for Meaning" Conference

Femmes de l'immo - NégoTraining

Les Femmes et l'argent - l'Art de la négociation salariale

[Conference - May 26, 2023]

As part of the Fabrique du Changement in Nantes, Florence Touzé spoke at the Debate Space on the search for meaning at work, based on the study published by the Chair.

The speakers:

  • Florence Touzé-Rieu, Professor Audencia, Holder of the Positive Impact Chair, Marketing and Responsible Communication, Business Model Transformation, Author, Certified IFA Administrator
  • Cécile Thys, Founder Jaune Horizon and co-organizer of La Fabrique du Changement Lille

    Moderated by Jean-René Pouderoux and Pierre Roba.

Slow Fashion: What's at stake for brands?

Palmarès 2023 plateforme RMR

La Plateforme Réussir avec un Marketing Responsable fête ses 10 ans !

[Webinar - May 25, 2023]

Collections produced in a matter of weeks, millions of tons of textile waste, a catastrophic impact on the planet... Fast fashion has already done a lot of damage, and that's why many brands are finally waking up to the "slow fashion" approach.

More respectful of the environment, it allows for production at a more reasonable pace and quantity, while inviting customers to rethink the way they consume. But what concrete actions can brands take? Will they really make a difference? Are consumers ready for this shift?

How to train for CSR? Developing skills for action

logo fashion green days nantes 2023

Thème de l'événement : "Re-créer la mode"

[Webinar - April 19, 2023]

CSR is a crucial issue for organizations that want to develop a responsible and sustainable strategy. Today, it is essential to train in CSR and to rethink professional practices.

The speakers:

  • Florence Touzé-Rieu, Holder of the Positive Impact Chair & Head of the Audencia SciencesCom Public Experience and Engagement Program
  • Olivia Stauffer, Responsible Communications Consultant and Trainer

    A webinar moderated by Véronique Souchet and François Cassignol, members of the CSR Axis at COM-ENT.

CSR, sponsorship & communication: how do they fit together?

photo table-ronde Biarritz good fashion 2023

« Comment engager ses collaborateurs et le consommateur dans les pratiques d’économie circulaire ? »

[Round-table - April 11, 2023]

CSR, corporate philanthropy and communication... These three topics, which today tend to coexist and converge, are the result of a slow process of awareness that has been taking place in companies for about 40 years, under the umbrella name of commitment.

Corporate commitment also raises the question of the difference in scope between CSR and corporate philanthropy. While CSR exists to limit the negative impacts of business and enhance its positive impacts, corporate philanthropy must be decoupled from CSR and retain its philanthropic dimension.

Today, a company's commitment is no longer limited to its donations, but encompasses its entire environmental and social approach.

How can companies move forward on the path of commitment by implementing a CSR approach, developing their patronage and turning it into a real communication asset?

How to succeed with responsible marketing?

photo table ronde mode responsable GAIA

« Comment l’industrie de la mode intègre-t-elle les nouveaux modèles économiques circulaires ? »

[Webinar - February 28, 2023]

Florence Touzé, holder of the Positive Impact Chair, spoke to students from the Pays de La Loire "Pépite" cluster (Pôle Étudiant pour l'Innovation, le Transfert et l'Entrepreneuriat), supported by the University of Nantes' IAE.

Can communications still afford to be irresponsible?

Pour une communication et un marketing plus respectueux de la société et de l'environnement

[Webinar - February 28, 2023]

Products, we want them to be virtuous. From companies and employers, we want transparency and actions that have a positive impact on the world. So how can communication still afford to be irresponsible? How do we avoid "greenwashing" communication? What is truly responsible communication?

A webinar moderated by Florence Touzé-Rieu, Positive Impact Chair and Head of Audience Experience and Engagement Program at Audencia SciencesCom, and Ingrid BAUDRY, Director of Communication Strategy and Consulting at Basileo.

Sustainable, responsible... Marketing must transform. But how?

[Conference - January 24, 2023]

More sustainable. More responsible. More sustainable. Marketing needs to change. But how?

The Department of Marketing & Strategy of Université Paris Dauphine-PSL offered a moment of exchange with experts, educators-researchers, consultants and practitioners on January 24th from 6pm to 8:30pm. Find out more.

3rd Sustainable Development Meeting: Contribution by Florence Touzé-Rieu

[Tribune - October 2022]

On the occasion of the 3rd Sustainable Development Meetings, Florence Touzé, titular of the Positive Impact Chair and Professor of Marketing and Responsible Communication at Audencia, has produced a video tribune focusing on the relationship between the digital transition and the ecological transition. These 3rd meetings celebrate the 7th anniversary of the adoption by France of the United Nations Agenda 2030.

Christine Naschberger on the 3rd Sustainable Development Meeting

[Tribune - October 2022]

On the occasion of the 3rd Sustainable Development Meetings, Christine Naschberger, professor at Audencia (Department of Organizational Studies & Ethics), has produced a video tribune on SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) #5: gender equality. These 3rd meetings celebrate the 7th anniversary of the adoption by France of the United Nations Agenda 2030.

15th Produrable Fair

[Salon - September 2022]

Florence Touzé was a member of the jury for the 5th Grand Prix de la Responsabilité Société des Marques® (RSM). Together with the students of Audencia SciencesCom, she awarded the Coup de Coeur des étudiants.

Guide to Responsible Initiatives

[Débat émission Smart Impact - mai 2022]

Interview with André Sobczak, Co-Titular of the Impact Positif Chair, and Laurent Geoffroy, Human Resources Director at KPMG France. An opportunity for the two entities to talk about their partnership (renewed for 4 years in March 2022), the CSR best practices guide they have jointly written, #NegoTraining... The common goal: to develop training projects with a positive impact on society and to make social and environmental commitment a lever for innovation and performance.

Changing marketing means acquiring new tools!

[Conference at Com'en or Day - March 2022]

Florence Touzé, Co-Titular of the Positive Impact Chair, gave a conference as part of Com' en Or CONGRESS, a "hybrid event designed to meet the needs of marketing, communication and event professionals". On this occasion, she discussed two proposals for more concrete actions in responsible marketing: the needs daisy and the brand contract matrix.

Durable, responsable... Le marketing doit se transformer. Mais comment ?

Conférece sur le marketing plus durable

[Conférence - 24 janvier 2023]

Plus durable. Plus responsable. Plus soutenable. Le marketing doit se transformer. Mais comment ?

Le département Marketing & Stratégie de l’Université Paris Dauphine-PSL a proposé un moment d'échange aux côtés d’experts, enseignants-chercheurs, consultants et praticiens, le 24 janvier, de 18h à 20h30. En savoir plus.

3ème Rencontre du Développement Durable : tribune de Florence Touzé-Rieu

[Tribune - octobre 2022]

A l'occasion des 3èmes rencontres du Développement Durable, Florence Touzé, titulaire de la chaire Impact Positif et professeure en marketing et communication responsable à Audencia, a réalisé une tribune vidéo portant sur le rapport entre transition numérique et transition écologique. Ces 3èmes rencontres célèbrent le 7e anniversaire de l’adoption par la France de l’Agenda 2030 des Nations unies.

3ème Rencontre du Développement Durable : tribune de Christine Naschberger

[Tribune - octobre 2022]

A l'occasion des 3èmes rencontres du Développement Durable, Christine Naschberger, professeure à Audencia (département Études organisationnelles & Éthique), a réalisé une tribune vidéo sur l'ODD (Objectif de Développement Durable) n°5 : égalité des sexes. Ces 3èmes rencontres célèbrent le 7e anniversaire de l’adoption par la France de l’Agenda 2030 des Nations unies

15ème salon Produrable

[Salon - septembre 2022]

Florence Touzé a participé au jury du 5ème Grand Prix de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Marques® (RSM). Elle a remis en compagnie des étudiants d'Audencia SciencesCom le prix Coup de Coeur des étudiants.

Le guide des initiatives responsables

[Débat émission Smart Impact - mai 2022]

Interview d'André Sobczak, Co-titulaire de la chaire Impact Positif, et Laurent Geoffroy, Directeur des Ressources Humaines de KPMG France. L'occasion pour les deux entités de parler de leur partenariat (renouvelé pour 4 ans en mars 2022), du guide des bonnes pratiques RSE co-écrit ensemble, de #NégoTraining... L'objectif commun : développer des projets pédagogiques ayant un impact positif sur la société et faire de l’engagement social et environnemental un levier d’innovation et de performance.

Changer le marketing, c'est se doter de nouveaux outils !

[Conférence à Com'en or Day - mars 2022]

Florence Touzé, Co-Titulaire de la Chaire Impact Positif  a donné une conférence dans le cadre de Com’ en Or CONGRESS, une "manifestation hybride destinée à répondre aux besoins des professionnels du marketing, de la communication et de l’événementiel". A cette occasion, elle a évoqué deux propositions pour agir plus concrètement dans le marketing responsable : la marguerite des besoins et la matrice de contrat de marque.
