Master in European & International Business Management (EIBM)

Thrive in an ever-changing global business environment. Take a complete trilingual training course in international management and business.

Master in European & International Business Management (EIBM)

Further studies

Once you've earned your diploma, and to add an extra hook to your career, we offer: The Agile Manager Certificate

Career Support

Are you looking for an internship? Do you need advice on your CV, cover letters or any other action to help you become more professional?

The Career & Corporate Relations Center teams can help. We are here to serve Audencia's students, graduates and recruiters, and develop tailor-made support packages for all Audencia programs.

Our goal is to help you develop your skills and enhance your employability, both in France and abroad.

Job opportunities

As a student in the EIBM program, you will have access to three career service departments, tripling your job prospects worldwide. Audencia will help connect you with our corporate partners - as will Deusto Business School and the University of Bradford School of Management. 

Here is some examples of career opportunities : 

  • Import representative
  • Export representative
  • International PMO (Project Management Office) team member
  • International project manager
  • International business developer
  • Commercial consultant for internationalization
  • Consultant for international companies wishing to operate in Europe