Master in European & International Business Management (EIBM)

Thrive in an ever-changing global business environment. Take a complete trilingual training course in international management and business.

Master in European & International Business Management (EIBM)

Your future degree

  • Degree recognition: JOINT
  • Graduation level: Master of science
  • Number of ECTS credits: 90
  • Organization of recognition of the diploma: Spanish Ministry

Target Skills

  • Understanding International Issues: A deep knowledge of international affairs, including global economic trends, trade policies, cultural differences, and geopolitical issues.
  • International Business Strategy: The ability to develop and implement effective business strategies on a global scale, taking into account international regulations, specific markets, and competitive advantages.
  • Multicultural Management: The competence to work with multicultural teams and navigate diverse business environments, understanding cultural nuances and developing intercultural communication skills.
  • International Trade: Mastery of the principles of international trade, including international logistics, customs management, and handling risks related to fluctuations in exchange rates and international markets.
  • International Finance: The ability to understand and manage the financial aspects of international transactions, including currencies, financial risk management, and international financing mechanisms.
  • International Business Law: In-depth knowledge of the international legal framework governing business, including international contracts, regulations on foreign investments, and international commercial disputes.
  • Innovation and International Entrepreneurship: The ability to promote innovation in an international context, as well as entrepreneurial skills to identify and exploit business opportunities on a global scale.
  • Business Ethics and Social Responsibility: Awareness of ethical implications in international business and understanding the social responsibility of companies on a global scale.
  • Strategic Communication: The competence to communicate effectively in an international context, whether in report writing, oral presentations, negotiation, or media management.