2-Year MSc in Responsible Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Develop a comprehensive understanding of Purchasing and Supply Chain.

2-Year MSc in Responsible Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Your future degree

  • Degree recognition: Grade Master, Visé BAC+5
  • RNCP title number: 37936
  • RNCP title: Niveau 7 - Diplôme d’Études Supérieures en Management Global
  • Graduation level: Master of science
  • Number of ECTS credits: 120

Target Skills

  • Developing strategies for the businesses and implementing an innovative, entrepreneurial approaches
  • Developing and implementeing marketing strategies (particularly based on user behavior)
  • Managing business activities and assessing the financial performance of businesses and the associated risks
  • Managing projects and teams in an international context
  • Managing energy and social change
  • Directing management activities in specific professional fields (Strategy, Finance, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Information Systems, Supply Chain, Human Resources, Energy and Social Transition, Communication, etc.)