Ransome Bawack holds a PhD in management science (information systems), an MBA (marketing and operations management), a master’s in management & information systems, and a Bachelor of Technology in computer engineering (computer networks & systems maintenance).
His research currently focuses on the business value of artificial intelligence (AI)-based information systems. This research has been published in top-tier academic journals like Information Technology & People, Information Systems Frontiers, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Production Planning & Control, Business Process Management Journal, Electronic Markets, International Journal of Information Management, and Journal of Enterprise Information Management. He has also presented his research at leading information systems conferences like ICIS, AMCIS, PACIS, HICSS, AIM, and ICTO, some of which he has been nominated for and obtained best paper awards. He has also secured about 600,000€ of funding within the last five years through a doctoral contract from the French government and a European grant (Horizon Europe).
Ransome Bawack creates and teaches courses mostly related to artificial intelligence, business intelligence & analytics, and data science in business schools. He teaches these courses in both English and French, mainly at the graduate and post-graduate levels. He is also currently supervising a DBA student. Ransome Bawack is presently contributing to the scientific community as the Central African chapter of the Association for Information Systems (CACAIS) president.