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Section CV
PhD in Finance
Singapore Management University, Singapore
M.S in Statistics
National University of Singapore, Singapore
B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei Shi
ZHU, Z., DUAN, X., TU, Jun (2019). The Trend in Short Selling and the Cross Section of Stock Returns. Annals of Economics and Finance, 20 (2), 565-586.
ZHU, Z., DUAN, X., Sun, L., Tu, J. (2019). Momentum and reversal: The role of short selling. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 104 (July 2019), 95-110.
ZHU, Z., DUAN, X., Tu, J. (2019). Relative Strength over Investment Horizons and Stock Returns. Journal of Portfolio Management, 46 (1), 91-105.